So the weekend was good. Mom and Dad came yesterday to celebrate Christmas. We had fillet mignon and lobster and it was tasty! They let Gabe and I open a present before Gabe left for work. It was a statue/sculpture of a black and tan dachshund rolling on it's back. It looks just like Harrington! Mom and I watched a cheesy Lifetime movie while Dad and Harrington napped, then the three of us watched "Love Actually." They left after that for their hotel, and Harri and I hit the sack around midnight. I wish wish wish we had stayed up till 1:00 a.m. to see the Woot. It was a BAG OF CRAP!! Gabe was on a call and missed it too. We were so upset! They sold out 3000 in 10 minutes! Woot off in a couple of weeks. Hopefully we'll get one in there.
Mom and Dad came back this morning about 11ish. I made them watch about an hour and a half of My Super Sweet Sixteen, and that was about all Dad could stomach. He took control of the remote at that point. Gabe woke up about 1:30, and it was time for presents! Mom and Dad got us a very generous gift card to a gas station because of all of the commuting I will be doing. It was really nice of them! I also got another gift card to Express which is perfect! I got a laptop bag, curtains for my study, and a dictionary. Perfect! Gabe got me a new all-in-one printer, a digital voice recorder, a laptop cooler, my spycam from the last woot-off, and a book.
They got Gabe a cordless drill, a bunch of tools, and a new electric shaver. He was excited about that. I got him a new tool box and tape measure to go with the new tools. Maybe he'll build me something! I also got him some shirts, a new winter hat, a book about Roomba, a gift card to EB Games, a gift card to Q'doba, and slippers. Harrington got Gabe new socks. I thought that was very nice of him seeing as Harrington steals half of them out of laundry baskets.
Harrington got two new toys (one of which is almost destroyed!!), two boxes of milkbones, and a sack of pig ears. He was very happy, and is now passed out on the couch.
Mom and Dad really liked the computer we got them. I think they were really shocked! They kept saying that we didn't need to do that. But really, they do so much for us, we really wanted to do it for them. I think we've even got them signed up to DSL and getting rid of AOL. Yay for us! Harrington got them the Dachshund-A-Day calender that he gets them every year. Dad got Mom a thing she can put on her chair and it massages her back. Those people at HoMedics are geniuses! He also got her two books (one was the wrong book), and a book of MSU cross-stitch patterns, which she already had. Oh well, she loved them anyway. Mom got Dad some crazy thing that is supposed to make his golf swing as good as the pros. We'll see how that goes.
After a delicious turkey dinner, my parents headed home. I did some studying and am getting ready for bed because it's back to work in the morning...but only till 11:30;)