Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Perez Hilton is always right

Wow. Perez was on when he said Heidi Klum couldn't sing! For those of you who don't know this already, Ms. Klum just put out a cd in her native Sweden. I just saw the new Victoria's Secret commercial in which she sings about two lines from "Santa Baby." It was hideous! Now I'm not claiming that I'm the next Mariah or anything, but damn!

On a different note. The studying has begun. It's going well. Time consuming. I should get used to it though! New job is going well. I'm working mornings only in this new part-time gig. I was trained Monday and Tuesday morning, and was on my own starting today. It was pretty easy to catch on, and am enjoying what I'm doing. Plus I get to listen to NPR all morning and go home at 11:30!

Gabe's working a lot, but loving it. The fire academy starts the same day as classes, so he'll be even busier. He got me a "spy camera" (a digital camera shaped like a zippo lighter) for one night of Hanukkah. It's only 1.3 megapixls (yikes!), but it's fun to play with.

Other than that, not much going on. Just studying lots and working. Mom and Dad are coming this weekend and we're going to eat like kings! I can't wait. I know Gabe and Harrington can't either!

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